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Webinár na tému whistleblowing



On September 25, 2020, the International Scientific Conference “Workplace Whistleblower Protection in the V4 Countries, France and Slovenia – in Search of an Effective Model of Protection” was held online. The conference was organised by the Chair of European and Collective Labour Law of the University of Lodz in cooperation with Trnava University in Trnava, Faculty of Law within the Visegrad Grant (No 21930021) “Workplace Whistleblowers’ Protection in the V4 Countries, France and Slovenia (WhistlePro)” co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Below you can find link to the transmission of the conference as well as to the Books of Abstracts. 

