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For all information related to your possible stay at our Faculty please visit: https://www.truni.sk/en or https://www.truni.sk/en/erasmus-1


We hope you will enjoy your period in Slovakia not only as international student but also as full member of our student society and you will come back home with many unforgetable and beautiful memories, new friendships and experiences.


List of Courses

Erasmus+ students can choose from the list of courses provided by other faculties of our university as well: https://www.truni.sk/en/course-catalogue


Faculty coordinator for ERASMUS+: Mgr. Peter Mészáros, PhD. peter.meszaros@truni.sk


Student experiences


Do you consider choosing the Faculty of Law, Trnava University, for your Erasmus experience? Great idea! Here you can watch the lectures of your two potential Erasmus teachers: https://wyznaniowe.law.uj.edu.pl/lectures-on-line-inter-war-law-in-czechoslovakia-hungary-and-poland

Professor Gábriš and Dr. Lanczová (Trnava University, Faculty of Law, Department of Legal History) recorded their short lectures on the interwar Czechoslovak law under the Visegrad Project on the topic "Continuity and Discontinuity of Pre-war Legal Systems in the Postwar Successor States (1918–1939)". 

Under the project, also other lecturers from the V4 countries spoke on interwar law in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. Available on the web page are their lectures and English translations of selected legal interwar regulations, too. Feel free to browse the web page.