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Textbooks for many of the courses taught in the English language were written by the faculty staff and they are available at the faculty. Faculty staff is currently working on other textbooks that will be published in the English language.


Title: Introduction to Slovak Civil Law

Authors: Milan Jančo et al.

Description: This introduction to Slovak civil law, written by four lecturers of substantive civil law at the University of Trnava, offers an outline of the fundamental institutions and rules of Slovak civil law. Following the generally accepted structure of this branch of law, the book is divided into five parts dealing with the general part of civil law, family law, rights in rem, law of succession, and law of obligations. The principal aim pursued by this book is to provide Slovak and foreign students, academics and legal practitioners with a brief and  yet comprehensive summary of Slovak civil law drafted in the global lingua franca.






Title: Slovak Labour Law

Authors: Helena Barancová, Andrea Olšovská

Description: In the work presented the authors analyze essential institutes of the Labour law of the Slovak Republic, which currently affects very substantially not only business environment, but also the quality of life of the employees themselves. Employment relations affect the production of the employer and hence product prices, which has positive or negative impact on the free competition in the European and world markets. It is very important for entrepreneur, who is in the legal position of employer, especially for a foreign entrepreneur, not to get into the conflicts with the labour inspection authority or into judicial labour disputes, which are very complicated and excessively long running in the last years, under the impression of the European labour law Therefore this work should be interesting especially for managers of companies, but also for students of secondary schools and universities, which are taught labour law in English and also for foreign students studying at Czech and Slovak universities and students under Erasmus program.



Title: Fundamentals of Slovak Commercial Law

Authors: Alexander Škrinár, Zuzana Nevolná, Lukáš Kvokačka

Description: The submitted publication focuses on an explanation of the basic terms of commercial law related to business, characteristics of entrepreneurs, enterprise and its organizational part in Slovakia. It also covers issues of position of foreign business entities as well as the forms and possibilities of their business activities. It also analyses fundamental questions related to business name and its protection, trade secret and basic questions of competition law. Special attention is paid to general provisions covering companies and co-operatives that represent an essential and substantial part of legal entities performing business activity. In addition to that, basic common features and differences as well as essentials needed for the foundation and incorporation of companies and co-operatives are dealt with. Individual types of companies are analysed with regards to the rights and duties of partners and shareholders as well as the regulation focused on statutory bodies and questions of liability for damage caused by exercise of function. A separate explanation is dedicated to the processes of merger and de-merger of companies and question of the effects of these on the rights and obligations of shareholders. The textbook is mainly intended for use by foreign students and individuals seeking to acquire legal English terminology. It can also serve as a basic guide and provide help to foreign entrepreneurs.



Title: EC Environmental Law

Author: Soňa Košičiarová

Description: The study has the character of the review of legal provisions relating to the protection of the environment functioning in European Union. The study includes acts of secondary legislation and a lot of international agreements connecting Member states of the Union. In spite of the limited volume they presented in the study all essential for discussed field legal documents and essential problems in them regulated were discussed. The study is commencing the chapter about leading character, discussing basic institutions of the European Union and the politics implemented in it concerning the environmental protection into the general way. It is discussing the complex of s. c. horizontal provisions, remaining they devoted to regulations concerning individual sector problems. One should recognise this arrangement of the work as correct, he lets introduce all essential for the study matters in the well ordered way. It is worthwhile clearly emphasizing meaning of preparing this study in the English what should constitute the very significant help for students. Prof. Marek Górski, dr. hab., the reviewer


Title: Introduction to Criminology

Authors: Gustáv Dianiška, Tomáš Strémy

Description: The submitted publication deals with general part of criminology. The reader has the possibility to recognize the views of the criminologists of the Trnava criminology school on the following topics: subject, place and tasks of criminology; phenomenology of the crime, a criminal acts offender; a victim of a crime; crime prevention. General part creates the preconditions for issuance of a special (specific) part of criminology dealing with individual types of crime. The publication contains interesting facts highlighted by its form so as they could be easily acquired by a reader. The text contains some activating elements such as:”Think twice”, “Try it”. While writing the book, the authors were focused on the readers and offered them a product that is not boring or binding, but on the contrary, it supports their desire for deeper knowledge and invention. The publication is intended for those students (both foreign and domestic) who have decided to study criminology in English language.



Title: History of state and law on the territory of Slovakia I:

(from ancient times till 1848)

Authors: Peter Mosný, Miriam Laclavíková

Description: The present textbook is the first attempt to provide a concise overview of the history of state and law in Slovakia in a form understandable to the broadest group of readers, both professionals and laymen. It was the intention of the authors that the target community of users is not limited to Slovaks, but that it also includes all those, who, for any reason, want to know about the key events in the Slovak history in general and also about the facts seen from the perspective of the history of state and law. Under this, we mean primarily all foreigners who are interested in knowing about and studying the positive law prevailing in Slovakia and to see it in the necessary historical context, which significantly contributes to a better understanding of the facts.



Title: Slovak Social Security Law

Author: Miloš Lacko

Description: The presented publication introduces an essential characteristics of the social security system in the Slovak republic (concept, characteristics of its components, sources of law, social security legal relationship) Thematically, the publication provides information on the insurance system, the state social support system and the social assistance system. The reader receives an overview on internal relations (particularly the insurance and benefits relationships) and about the functioning of the insurance system, the purpose of state social benefits provided by the state social support system and solution of the social deprivation and material need of an individual with tools, benefits and services of the social assistance system. The most extensive part is the insurance system as it ensures the widest range of social rights of individuals. This publication does not present only a basic orientation in the social security system, but also provides the expertise for application practise. The publication thus becomes interesting not only for students but also for laymen who want to gain the insight and guidance in the social security legal relations carried out according to the legal order of the Slovak republic.



Title: Introduction to Slovak Substantive Criminal Law

Authors: Pavel Baláž, Miroslava Vráblová

Description: Slovak criminal law is part of the Slovak legal order and a branch of public law. Substantive criminal law is particularly important because it protects the rights and legitimate interests of natural and legal persons, interests of society and the constitutional order of the Slovak Republic by defining what a criminal offence is and what sanction may be imposed for committing it. This textbook focuses on fundamental concepts and institutions of substantive criminal law. Using texts relative to the general part and special part of criminal law, the textbook offers a comprehensive overview of the foundations of substantive criminal law as a branch of the Slovak legal system.





Title: Fundamentals of Procedural Criminal Law

Author: Adrián Jalč

Description: This textbook has been specifically written for students studying law. Chapter 1 brings together a number of cases involving human rights. It also contains a new principle in the Slovak criminal procedure (for instance principle of proportionality, principle of opportunity etc.). Other chapters provide information about procedural institutions, evidentiary process in criminal proceedings, decisions, stages and special types of criminal proceedings. Criminal law is nowadays in the process of changes. The aim of this book is to reflect the contemporary situation in our legal system.





Title: Introduction to Private International Law

Author: Natália Štefanková

The publication includes the short outline of the most important issues relating to the Private International Law cases, such as the methods of conflict of law solution, party autonomy, conflict rules, order public, as well as the procedural and substantial thesis connected with the personal statue of natural and legal person, marriage with foreign element, parental responsibility, contracts and torts. The legal basis for this short guide flows from the Slovak perspective how to achieve the solution of the conflict of law problems, as well as the new European Private International Law approach set down in many significant regulations.





Title: Fundamentals of European Union Law

Author: Peter Varga

The publication presents an introduction to the European Union law. It provides information about functioning of the European Union and analyses the constitutional and institutional concept of the European Union. The publication covers the following areas of the European Union law: definition of the European Union, historical development of the European Communities and the European Union, obligations of the member states arising from the membership in the European Union and the competences of the European Union. An important part of the publication deals with the nature of European Union law, sources of European Union law and its effect. The reader also acquires information about the institutions of the European Union and about their powers and composition. The publication is especially interesting for the students, but also for lawyers who are interested in obtaining an insight on the European Union and the legal order of the European Union.




 Projekt Inovatívne formy vzdelávania v transformujúcom sa univerzitnom vzdelávaní
  ITMS kód 26110230028:


    Title: Canon Law

    Authors: Matúš Nemec, Vojtech Vladár











    Title: Constitutional Law

    Author: Lucia Berdisová











    Title: Corporate Law

    Authors: Natália Štefanková, Vojtech Vladár











    Title: Criminology

    Author: Tomáš Strémy











    Title: Environmental Law

    Author: Michal Maslen











    Title: European Contract Law

    Authors: Monika Jurčová, Marianna Novotná











    Title: European Law

    Author: Peter Varga











    Title: History of Slovak Law

    Author: Miriam Laclavíková











    Title: International Commercial Law

    Authors: Natália Štefanková, Vojtech Vladár











    Title: International Private Law

    Author: Natália Štefanková











    Title: International Public Law

    Author: Dagmar Lantajová











    Title: International Relations

    Authors: Dagmar Lantajová, Jozef Kušlita











    Title: Roman Law

    Authors: Matúš Nemec, Vojtech Vladár











    Title: Slovak Administrative Law

    Author: Michal Maslen











    Title: Slovak Civil Procedural Law

    Authors: Monika Jurčová, Marianna Novotná, Jozef Zámožík











    Title: Slovak Labour Law and Social Security Law

    Authors: Miloš Lacko, Andrea Olšovská











    Title: Slovak Procedural Criminal Law

    Author: Adrián Jalč











    Title: Slovak Substantive Criminal Law

    Author: Miroslava Vráblová











    Title: Theory of Law

    Author: Daniel Krošlák











    Title: Tort Law

    Authors: Marianna Novotná, Monika Jurčová