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Vedeckovýskumná činnosť Katedry DP

Katedra dejín práva je v rokoch 2019 - 2022 riešiteľským pracoviskom grantu VEGA č. 1/0018/19 Renesancia zabudnutých a znovu obnovených inštitútov dedičského práva na Slovensku pod vedením zodpovednej riešiteľky doc. JUDr. PhDr. Adriany Švecovej, PhD. Cieľom projektu je vedecky reagovať na aktuálne vedecké problémy, generované v poslednom čase v civilistickej právnej vede a pr. histórii, ktoré stále povstávajú v budúcej a dlhodobo pripravovanej rekodifikácii občianskeho práva hmotného v Slovenskej republike v suboblasti dedičského práva. 


Katedra dejín práva sa podieľa na projekte ‘Continuity and Discontinuity of Pre-war Legal Systems in Post-war Successor States (1918-1939),’ ktorý je spolufinancovaný českou, maďarskou, poľskou a slovenskou vládou prostredníctvom Vyšehradskému grantu z medzinárodného Vyšehradského projektu, za účelom udržateľnej regionálnej kooperácie v strednej Európe. 

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


Continuity and Discontinuity of Pre-war Legal Systems in Post-war Successor States (1918–1939).

The objective of the project is to integrate the Czech, Polish, Slovak, and Hungarian academic community around the issues of the legal heritage of the interwar period and to popularize joint research on this issue. This heritage can be described as difficult, because after the end of World War I, the countries of Central Europe faced the necessity of either building new legal systems or thoroughly rebuilding the existing ones. The axis of these activities was therefore the confrontation of the needs of the interwar period with the legal heritage from before 1918, generating problems regarding the continuity and discontinuity of pre-war legal systems. While research on the legal codifications of individual countries of the V4 is already far advanced, there are still no comparative approaches that would make it possible to identify the similarities and differences in the legal heritage of these countries. The research questions include, in particular, whether there are any similarities and what the differences were in dealing with problems with the codification of law in the countries of the V4 in the interwar period. It is also necessary to undertake efforts to popularize the legal identity of V4 countries through access to English-language open lectures devoted to this subject. In the dynamics of research and the dissemination of knowledge about the legal culture and identity of the V4 countries, an invaluable help will be the action of translating important interwar legal acts into English and ensuring access to them in an open access format (www.iura.uj.edu.pl).

The lectures of Professor Gábriš and Dr. Lanczová (Department of Legal History), recorded under the Visegrad Project on the topic "Continuity and Discontinuity of Pre-war Legal Systems in the Postwar Successor States (1918–1939)", are available here: https://wyznaniowe.law.uj.edu.pl/lectures-on-line-inter-war-law-in-czech...

Various lecturers from the V4 countries spoke on interwar law in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. Available on the web page are their lectures and English translations of selected legal interwar regulations, too. 



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